Products We Offer


Tally Prime is an user-friendly business accounting software designed to streamline financial management for businesses of all sizes. Tally Prime offers a range of features that simplify complex financial processes, making it an essential tool for businesses aiming for efficiency and accuracy.

Tally Software Services (TSS)

Tally Software Services is a software subscription for a collection of services which add great value to your TallyPrime by giving you additional features. Connectivity driven functionalities such as continuous upgrades & updates, Synchronization of branch data, eInvoice and eWaybill Support and much more.

TallyPrime Server

Tally Prime Server is a specialized version of Tally accounting software designed for multi-user environments, facilitating simultaneous access and collaboration. It enhances data consistency, security, and performance in organizations with multiple users accessing financial data concurrently.

Tally on AWS

Tally Prime on AWS, leveraging cloud infrastructure to ensure scalability, accessibility, and efficient management of financial data for businesses. This approach enables seamless integration with other AWS services, offering a flexible and reliable solution for Tally users.


F-1 MIS is the ultimate answer to the problem and a right solution which helps the business to generate dynamic, accurate and flexible MIS reports, while staying connected with latest the data. F-1 MIS enables user with the slicing and dicing feature, which meets the business dynamics of the requirements and keeps the accuracy intact.

BizAnalyst - Tally on Mobile

Access Tally Prime real time data with data entry feature on Android / iOS device and keep an eye on your business growth without having total dependency on your accounts team.


CredFlow - India’s #1 App to help you automate your payment collection, get a 360° overview of your business’ credit line, unparalleled data security and in-depth business analytics. By integrating Tally with CredFlow, you can reduced payment collection time by over 30%.

Tally on AWS

Tally Prime on AWS, leveraging cloud infrastructure to ensure scalability, accessibility, and efficient management of financial data for businesses. This approach enables seamless integration with other AWS services, offering a flexible and reliable solution for Tally users.